Cosmic Horizon — play-and-earn

Today we continue the theme of the review of the Cosmic Horizon project: a strategic RPG with adventures in outer space. The project is very extensive and interesting, rich gameplay never ceases to amaze and delight!
Let’s talk in more detail about the planets: what to do with the captured planet, how to create a defense structure on it and protect yourself from enemies.
In the previous article, we mentioned that there are 8 stages in the development of the planet. Each stage is a separate stage of evolution, which gradually improves the ability to protect the planet, its fortification and defense, and also creates good conditions for attacking enemy entities.
Starting from stage 0, the planet may have no population at all, or it may have an undeveloped civilization with a small amount of population. Everything is simple here: the planet is easy to capture without the use of harsh measures.
1st stage: after collecting a sufficient population, it is given the opportunity to build a Metropolis. Relatively speaking, this is a small town in which there is already some infrastructure, but further — even more ambitious.
2nd stage is the development of the military industry. Defensive structures, tactical military drones, scanning sectors to look for ill-wishers — all this is now available. We can build drones for various defensive formations, or set the level of response to threats. Also, the player becomes available to such actions as parking ships on the planet or using ship transporters.
3rd stage: this is also the construction of the protection of the planet, but already specific. This is weather protection.If enemy ships try to break through the atmosphere of the planet, you can use laser guns to protect yourself.
4th stage: in it you improve the atmospheric protection from the previous stage.
5th stage: we generate a planetary shield that will prevent enemy ships from landing on your planet. To do this, you will have to feed your shield with energy.
6th stage: we build an atmospheric tractor beam. With its help, we will capture ships that inadvertently pass through the sector of your planet.
7th stage: this is a cool, but also dangerous improvement of the planet. With the help of a planetary warp drive, you can move the planet around the universe. It would seem that what could be better to protect the planet? But be careful! An unknown place does not mean a safe place!
For now, let’s stop here to think and assimilate the information. And the continuation will be in the next review.